5. Links to further information

The Campbell Collaboration (C2)

The Campbell Collaboration is a volun­tary, non-for-profit, international research network that produces and disseminates systematic reviews of the effects of interventions in the social and behavioural sciences. Its mission is to enhance the evidence basis so that policymakers, practitioners, and service recipients are better equip­ped to make informed decisions. This can improve people’s lives, by improving the quality of public and private services. C2 summarises research in four inter-linked research fields: crime and justice, education, international development and social welfare.

The Crime and Justice Coordinating Group (CCJG) prepares and disseminates systematic reviews of high-quality research on methods to reduce crime and delinquency and improve the quality of justice.

The systematic reviews report on the effects of interventions that are:

  • Aimed at the prevention, treatment or control of crime or delinquency
  • Designed to improve the criminal justice system, including those relevant to forensics, police, courts, prison, probation
  • Within both civil and criminal law.

To access Campbell Collaboration systematic reviews, click here.

Evidence-Based Policing Matrix

The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix was developed by Drs Cynthia Lum and Christopher Koper of George Mason University (US) and is hosted on the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) website. The Matrix is a tool that visually organises evaluations of police interventions. To access the Matrix, click here.

What Works Centre for Crime Reduction

The UK College of Policing has produced an online Crime Reduction Toolkit that provides easy access to the evidence base on crime reduction. To access the Toolkit, click here.


This US National Institute of Justice website uses research to inform policymakers and practitioners about what works, and what doesn’t, in crimnal justice programs and practices. To access the website, click here.