Professor Kisha Supernant

Finding the Children: Searching for Unmarked Graves at Residential School Sites in Canada

17 August 2023 2:15pm4:00pm
Professor Kisha Supernant, Director of the Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology & Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta will deliver a seminar titled 'Finding the Children: Searching for Unmarked Graves at Residential School Sites in Canada' at UQ. All are welcome to attend.
Photograph from the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

2023 Hall Annual Lecture

14 August 2023 6:15pm8:30pm
The 2023 Hall Annual Lecture titled 'New York’s African Burial Ground and the Struggle for Human Rights: An Archaeology of Public Engagement' will be presented by Professor Michael L. Blakey.

Digitising Disadvantage: Challenging Automated Government Decision Making in Comparative Context

10 July 2023 10:30am12:00pm
Join Associate Professor Yee-Fui Ng of Monash University, where she presents her preliminary findings from a comparative book project analysing legal challenges automated government decision-making in the US, UK and Australia.

Recording now available.

Fitter, Happier, More Productive: Algorithmic Regimes & the Future of Work

19 April 2023 9:00am20 April 2023 4:00pm
This two-day symposium brings together researchers across multiple institutions to investigate the relationship between work and automation.

Digital and Algorithmic Constructions of Identities: a conversation

18 April 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
An interactive discussion with Dr Thao Phan and Dr Chris O’Neill both of Monash University and chaired by Professor Paul Henman, of The University of Queensland.
Image of a child using a mobile device, hidden under blankets on a bed in the dark.

Policing Insecurity: Debt, Fraud, Data and the Automated Welfare State

19 October 2022 4:00pm6:00pm
A public lecture by Professor Virginia Eubanks of the University at Albany, SUNY.

Recording now available.

Writing for the Public

19 October 2022 9:00am12:00pm
A Masterclass with Professor Virginia Eubanks of the University of Albany, SUNY.

2022 Hall Annual Lecture

16 September 2022 6:00pm8:30pm
The 2022 Hall Annual Lecture titled 'The Value of Archaeology to the Modern World' will be presented by Professor Marshall l. Weisler
