Funding: UQ Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship

Advisors: Associate Professor Adrian Cherney, Professor Lorraine Mazerolle

Although Islamism is perceived as the causal factor in supporting violent extremism, but it cannot be reduced to this single factor. It is more described as a precise mix of socio-economic, political, psychological and even historical forces than religiously driven. The madrasha (Islamic religious school) communities perceive themselves as marginalized and feel alienated from the mainstream society. Further the minor communities like Hindus, Christians and Buddhists are also vulnerable to be affected by the violent extremism, either derived from the home grown Islamists or provoked from neighbouring countries. As a result, a sophisticated understanding between the police and various religious and secular groups is necessary in order to build a trust within the community, thereby building resilient against violence extremism.

The core assumption of this thesis is that, an united and resilient community can reduce the threat of violent extremism. This research will examine partnerships between police and the community, which includes religious as well as secular groups.


Project members

Ms Rawshan Sadia Afroze

PhD Candidate
School of Social Science