
Research training at The University of Queensland is research and professional development. It is more than a thesis. It is ‘training in research’ plus ‘training by research’. It is expected that Higher Degree by Research candidates will acquire and develop the following attributes:

  • knowledge and skills in the field of study;
  • effective communication skills;
  • critical judgment and research skills;
  • independence and creativity;and
  • ethical and social understanding.

Graduates are required to demonstrate attainment of these attributes through a variety of means, including successful attainment of three academic progress reviews.

Details about the progress reviews for advisors as well as candidates can be found on the Graduate School website. The specific requirements for the School of Social Science progress reviews are detailed in the documents on the right-hand side of this page. Advisors and candidates are advised to download and consider the details carefully.

Recorded Open Info Session on HDR Progress Reviews and Online Procedure, 10 May 2023: https://uqz.zoom.us/rec/share/DrgbnCgU1Ftl-3hR2FTqPbavobu9HTTBqWI12fKwXbkT9-mlOGK6vXjVsFbyhy8.YTphz4B6SAPBSwEB?startTime=1683673008000

School of Social Science Progress Review Documents

Progress Review 1

Progress Review 2

Progress Review 3

Progress Review Process