An image of the Centrelink signs outside of a building with blurred image of people below.

ADM in Social Security and Employment

5 May 2021 9:15am
An interactive roundtable discussion on the use and effects of ADM in social security and employment services around the world in general and particularly in Australia.

Recording now available.

Revealing Early Brisbane: The Cross River Rail Archaeological Program

5 March 2021 3:00pm4:00pm
Kevin Rains (Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd)
An image of the family dining table with a blurred moving vision of two children and two adults around it

ADM in Child and Family Services: Mapping what is happening and what we know

24 November 2020 9:00am
A workshop on how ADM is being used in child and family services and the associated legal, ethical, organisational, and data challenges of applying ADM in child and family services.

Recording now available.

Experience Social Science

14 October 2020 4:30pm5:30pm
Learn how to translate your passion for injustices related to the environment, health, and local and global inequalities into a diverse range of careers that await you after you complete a Bachelor of Social Science at UQ.
