Symposium: New social inequalities and the future of work
Presented by the School of Social Science and School of Political Science and International Studies, UQ and the QUT Work/Industry Futures Research Program
The impact of changing technology on employment is one of the biggest challenges societies will face in the 21st Century. While technological change is not new and there is no consensus among analysts about the ways in which current developments will impact on particular jobs and occupations, there is general agreement that robots, advanced AI and new employment platforms are significantly changing the nature of work and will continue to do so into the future. These major transformations offer opportunities for individuals and companies but also major social risks, including increased precarity, unequal wealth and associated economic insecurity. Such risks need to be appropriately governed. Current social divisions and trends, including changing gender roles and demographic change, such as an aging population, will also shape how the pattern that these risks take. This symposium brings together major national and international social researchers (UK, USA, Sweden) to systematically examine how employment rights, risks and rewards are being redistributed and to reflect on the most appropriate systems of social support to protect against new and emerging risks.
Date: 19 - 20 June 2018
Time and venue:
Day 1 - 1.30pm - 6.00pm (followed by networking reception 6.15pm - 7.15pm) Qld Office of Industrial Relations, 1 William Street, Level 41, Multifunction Room 1
Day 2 - 9.15am - 4.30pm, The University of Queensland, GPN3 Building, Room 208, St Lucia Campus
Ticket Information:
Registration for day 1 is free
Registration for day 2 is $30.00
If you are a full-time post graduate student registration for day 2 is free
For more information please contact Michelle Brady.