Dr Reihaneh Bidar

ADM+S Centre biography
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Researcher biography
Reihaneh is a Lecturer in Business Information Systems at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland. She earned her PhD from the Queensland University of Technology, School of Information Systems. Her research centres on how organisations manage the complexities of AI, automation, and digital integration, particularly focusing on the role of human-AI hybrids. Reihaneh’s work delves into the impact of emerging technologies like AI on the redesign and organisation of work, while also addressing the challenges of managing their potential negative consequences.
Reihaneh teaches managing business data and information retrieval to undergraduate and postgraduate Information Systems program. She has previously developed, coordinated, and taught courses in Business Analytics, Enterprise Architecture, Design of Enterprise IoT Systems, Mobile and Pervasive Systems, and Mobile App Development for both undergraduate and master’s students.