Research Interests
- Environmental Anthropology
- Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Populations
- Decolonial Studies
- Ontological Turn
- Anthropology of Gender Relations
Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Florianópolis, Brazil
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (Honours) with a Major in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Florianópolis, Brazil
2022 – Awarded the 2nd Marielle Franco Feminist Essays Prize.
2019 – Nominated by the Anthropology Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina for the ANPOCS (National Association of Post-graduation and Research in Social Sciences) Award for dissertations and thesis 2019.
2016 – Awarded with the Honourable Mention at the VI Edition of the Lévi-Strauss Prize – Modality B Article, Brazilian Association of Anthropology, 30th Brazilian Anthropology Meeting.
Cosmopolitics of care: walking paths with quilombola women. São Paulo: Editora Contracorrente, 2022, 120 pages.
Care as a power: between public and private and leadership of women in Remnant Quilombola Communities Aldeia and Toca of Santa Cruz. Curitiba: Brazil Publishing, 2020, v.1, 244 pages.
“If I cannot have orgasm/enjoy, it is not my revolution”: ethnography of Slutwalk at Florianópolis/SC in 2014. Florianópolis: Cadernos NIGS (NIGS Notebooks), 2015, v.1. 104 pages.
Journal Articles
BABIDGE, Sally; DOTHLING, Nathália et. al. (2023) Affective propositions, the plant turn, and critiques of development. TAJA (The Australian Journal of Anthropology) 1-3.
“There was the place where our father buried our navels”: territory ontology among the population from Quilombola Community Aldeia (SC). Aceno – Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste, 8 (17): 315-330, maio a agosto de 2021. ISSN: 2358-5587
“Quilombo are the women”: cosmopolitcs of care in quilombola communities from Santa Catarina. Revista de Estudos e Investigações Antropológicas (Anthropological Researches and Studies Journal), v.7, p. 45-65, 2021.
Care for outside and for inside: narratives and leadership of black women in quilombola communities from Santa Catarina. Novos Debates - Fórum de Debates em Antropologia (New Debates – Anthopology Debate Forum), v.4, p. 20-24, 2020.
Casa-grande & senzala and the racial democracy: an official invitation to the abandonment of black identity. Revista Ciência Contemporânea (Contemporary Science Journal), v. 1, p. 201-216, 2019.
When there are many ways of knowledge: epistemological reflections and proposals about the anthropological activity. Revista Ciência Contemporânea (Contemporary Science Journal), v. 1, p. 175-188, 2018.
Revisiting Gender Studies: Black Women and Scientific Thinking. Cadernos de Gênero e Diversidade (Gender and diversity Notebooks), v.3, p.30 - 46, 2017.
Education as a weapon of transformation. Mosaico Social (Social Mosaic), v.7, p.59 - 76, 2014.
Conference Articles
Care as power: meanings of public and private and women's leadership in Quilombo Remnant Communities in Santa Catarina (SC). In: Conference Proceedings 18th IUAES World Congress. Florianópolis: Tribo da Ilha Editora, 2018. p.4716 – 4730.
From slavery to the houses of white mistresses: narratives of black women from the quilombola communities Toca and Aldeia, Santa Catarina, Brazil In: XII Meeting of Anthropology from Mercosur, Posadas, Argentina, 2018. p.2324 – 2339
Decolonizing gender: black and nonwhite women and scientific thinking. In: 13th Women’s World Congress and Making Gender 11, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2017.
"My mother worked as a domestic worker, I worked at the home of white mistress and my daughters too”: narratives of women from the Quilombola Community Toca of Santa Cruz In: III COPENE Sul - Blacks in southern Brazil: Development, heritage and Afro-Brazilian culture, 2017, Florianópolis.
Trajectories and subjectivity: ethnography of the SlutWalk of Florianópolis/SC in 2014. In: 30th Brazilian Meeting of Anthropology (RBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2016.
Subjectivity in fieldwork: an anthropologist black-anarchafeminist or a black-anarchafeminist anthropologist? In: II International Seminar Undoing Gender, 2015, Salvador BA.
DOTHLING, Nathália; DUTRA, Emília; NASPOLINI, M. Serious Chat: Approaches to Gender and Sexuality in School In: 4th National Meeting of Sociology Teaching in Basic Education ENESEB, 2015, São Leopoldo RS.
Anarchist feminism and Intersectionality: ethnography of Slutwalk at Florianópolis/SC in 2014 In: I Congress of Sexual and Gender Diversity, 2014, Belo Horizonte.