Pablo is a Law graduate from the University of Chile and Master of Integrated Water Management (IWM) at Queensland/Griffith Universities, as well as a Lecturer in Environmental Law and Regulation at the School of Engineering, University of Chile. Leveraging years of professional and research experience spanning a range of policy and regulatory topics, including water, natural resources, infrastructure, renewable energy, and natural resource governance, with a focus on community impact.
PhD project
Rethinking water governance in extreme climate scenarios, from private property to public good: The Chilean Case
Current Experience
2023 – Present: Tutor of Sustainable Water Infrastructure Design (2023/2)
2023 – Present: Adjunct Professor, Postgraduate Diploma in Water, Environmental, and Climate Change Law, University of Chile, Faculty of Law.
2022 – Present: Principal Research Assistant, Sustainable Infrastructure Research Hub. The University of Queensland, https://bel.uq.edu.au/sustainable-infrastructure
2021 – Present: Consultant – Director of Water Governance NGO Newenko (Chile)
2013 – Present: Adjunct Professor, University of Chile, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Division of Water Resources and Environment, Department of Civil Engineering Course coordinator and Lecturer: Environmental Law and Regulation (Capstone Course).
- PhD Candidate, The University of Queensland
- Master of Integrated Water Management, The Queensland University/ Griffith University (2019-2020)
- Language & Cultural Program, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2018).
- The Environment and Human Rights in the Andean Region Course, Lima, Peru, Andean Commission of Jurists and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation (2010).
- Bachelor of Law, University of Chile (2002-2009)
Research Interests
- Water Governance, Infrastructure and, Society
- Waste Management and Circular Economy
- Community-based solutions to climate change.
- Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
- Renewable Energies
- Political ecology
- Sustainable development
Book Chapters
- Aranda P & Others. (2023) Multilevel water governance and basin organisations; Proposing a framework for Chilean Water Security, Libro IV Jornadas del Régimen Jurídico de las Aguas, Universidad de Chile.
- Aranda P. (2021). The New Regulatory Framework of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Chile: an analysis through an IWRM lens, Libro III Jornadas del Régimen Jurídico de las Aguas, Universidad de Chile. ISBN: 978-956-405-011-9
- Aranda P. (2015). Integrated Watershed Management: Opportunities and Constraints in Chile, Actas de Derecho de Aguas No. 5, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2015. ISSN: 0719-4919 https://derechoadministrativoeconomico.uc.cl/documentos/actas/adag/193-adag-5-indice/file
- Aranda P. & Costa. E. (2017). Climate change and forests are regulated nationally and internationally through the REDD+ approach and applied to Chile's National Strategy for Climate Change and Plant Resources 2017-2025. Available at https://biblioteca.digital.gob.cl/items/3747a164-0354-4509-a04e-9f74b8f9083d
Newspapers Articles
- Aranda P. (2023). From fragmentation to coordination: Rethinking Infrastructure to Address Chile's Water Crisis, CODEXVERDE. Available at Repensando la infraestructura para enfrentar la crisis hídrica (codexverde.cl)
- Aranda P. & Candia P. (2023). Why is it important to establish water governance?, CIPER-CHILE. Available at Por qué es importante construir una gobernanza del agua - CIPER Chile
- Aranda P. & Candia P. (2023). Water and land management: dealing with natural and climatic disasters, EL DESCONCIERTO. Available at https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/bienes-comunes/2023/07/25/gestion-del-agua-y-los-suelos-de-cara-a-las-catastrofes-naturales-y-climaticas.html
- Aranda P. (2022). Groundwater management: is the current regulatory framework effective in ensuring sustainability? El Mostrador. Available at https://www.elmostrador.cl/noticias/opinion/2022/12/21/gestion-de-aguas-subterraneas-el-marco-regulatorio-actual-es-ineficaz-para-garantizar-que-sea-sustentable/
- Aranda P. (2022). Water Chilean Reform Code in Times of Water Scarcity, CIPER-CHILE. Available at https://www.ciperchile.cl/2022/05/02/cartas-reforma-del-codigo-de-aguas-en-tiempos-de-escasez-hidrica/
- Aranda P. & Reyes V. (2022). Respect the Water Cycle through Institutionalism, CIPER-CHILE. Available at https://www.ciperchile.cl/2022/02/21/respetar-el-ciclo-del-agua/
- Aranda P. (2021). Water Governance at a time of Scarcity and Climate Change .... Are we prepared?, special Geo Informative Newsletter, Association of Geologists, Water Crisis and Geosciences, July 2021.
- All CIPER-CHILE newspapers Article available at https://www.ciperchile.cl/author/pablo-aranda-valenzuela/