Researcher biography

Charlie’s research focuses on studying changes in subsistence and the emergence of food production in the Middle Nile Valley through the combination of microbotanical, dental calculus and isotopic analyses. He is particularly interested in the trajectory of wild plant exploitation in the region.



Honours Class 1 in Archaeology, The University of Queensland. 2015-2017

Bachelor of Arts, The University of Queensland. Extended major in Archaeology, minor in Ancient History. 2012-2015


Professional Experience:

UQ Facilitator: ARCS1001, ARCS2168, ARCS 3001

UQ Tutor: ARCS3168

Affiliated Researcher, Max Planck Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte (MPI-SHH)

ANSTO Postgraduate Research Award, Project: Isotopic Dietary Reconstruction of Pastoralists from the Kadruka Cemeteries, Middle Nile Valley

Archaeologist at Everick Heritage Consultants. 2017-2020

Archaeological excavations in Malawi, Kenya, Zambia, Sudan, Spain and Australia


Research Interests:

  • Prehistory of Food
  • Trajectory of Plant Exploitation
  • Human Responses to Environmental Change
  • Cultural Change during the Mid to Late Holocene of North Africa
  • Phytoliths
  • Dental Calculus



Le Moyne C, Crowther A (2021) Effects of chemical pre-treatments on modified starch granules: Recommendations for dental calculus decalcification for ancient starch research. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35: 102762.

Le Moyne, CharlesFuller, Dorian Q. and Crowther, Alison (2022). Microbotanical signatures of kreb: differentiating inflorescence phytoliths from northern African wild grassesVegetation History and Archaeobotany. doi: 10.1007/s00334-022-00880-3

Goldstein, S. T.Crowther, A.Henry, E. R.Janzen, A.Katongo, M.Brown, S.Farr, J.Le Moyne, C.Picin, A.Richter, K. K. and Boivin, N. (2021). Revisiting Kalundu Mound, Zambia: implications for the timing of social and subsistence transitions in Iron Age Southern AfricaAfrican Archaeological Review38 (4), 625-655. doi: 10.1007/s10437-021-09440-y

Brass, M., Adam, A., Vella Gregory, I., Abdallah, R., Alawad, O., Abdalla, A., Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I., Wellings, J., Albadwi, A., Le Moyne, C., Hassan, F., Ali, A., 2020. The second season of excavations at Jebel Moya (south-central Sudan). Libyan Studies 51, 126-140. doi.10.1017/lis.2020.9