Researcher biography
Prof Francisco (Paco) Perales (he/him) is a Principal Analyst in the Queensland Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support. In his spare time, he is Adjunct Professor of Social Policy at Griffith University and Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology at UQ. He is also The Australian Research Awards 2023 'Best in the Field' for the discipline of Sociology, and one of the top 2% most-cited researchers worldwide.
Paco has a background in applied quantitative Sociology and holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology from London Metropolitan University (UK), a Masters degree in Sociology and Panel Data Analysis from the University of Essex (UK), and a PhD in Social and Economic Research from the Institute for Social and Economic Research (UK).
Paco's broad research interests are on social stratification and inequality, social disadvantage by gender and sexual orientation, and family and life-course studies. His methodological expertise is on the analysis of complex survey and administrative data - especially longitudinal and panel datasets.
Featured research
Books Articles Chapters Working papers Others
Parsell, C., Clarke, A. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘Charity and Poverty in Advanced Welfare States' New York: Routledge.
Journal articles
Perales, F., Giang, M. and Elkin, N. (2025) ‘Access to Inclusive Public-Toilet Options and the Wellbeing of Trans and Gender-Diverse Employees: Novel Evidence from a Large Australian Workplace Survey’ Online access in International Journal of Transgender Health
Ablaza, C., Perales, F. and Elkin, N. (2025) ‘The ‘Double Whammy’: Associations between LGBTQ+ Identity, Non-Standard Employment and Workplace Wellbeing’ Forthcoming in The Economic and Labour Relations Review
Ablaza, C. and Perales, F. (2024) ‘Informality and Welfare: New Insights from the Job Satisfaction of Workers in Indonesia’ Online access in Journal of Development Studies
Perales, F., Campbell, A. and Elkin, N. (2024) ‘Workplace-Sexual-Harassment Victimization and Employee Wellbeing amongst LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ employees’ Online access in Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Perales, F., Parsell, C., Ablaza, C., Kuskoff, E., Plage, S. and Stambe, R. (2024) ‘Re(de)fining Success: Tenancy Issues, Provider Supports, and Tenancy Outcomes in an Australian Permanent Supportive Housing Program’ Online access in Housing Studies
Bernard, A., Perales, F., Charles-Edwards, E. and Bacquet-Carlier, S. (2024) ‘Residential Mobility Responses to Home Damage Caused by Floods, Cyclones and Bushfires in Australia’ Online access in Population and Environment
Phillips, L., Ritchie, J. and Perales, F. (2024) 'Surveying Adult Support for Child and Youth Voice on Environmental Governmental Decision-Making in Australia and New Zealand' Geoforum, 155 (2024), 104072
Fortnum, K., Gomersall, S., Ross, M., Woodforde, J., Thomas, G., Wen, Y., Perales, F., and Stylianou, M. (2024) ‘24-Hour Movement Behaviours of LGBTQA+ Young People: A Systematic Review’ Online access in Journal of Physical Activity & Health
Steinbring, R., Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Lam, J. (2024) ‘Characteristics of Male-breadwinner, Female-Breadwinner and Equal-Earner Households in Australia’ Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 26 (2): 132-162
Steinbring, R., Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Lam, J. (2024) ‘Taking the Long View: Long-Term Couple Earnings Arrangements across the Transition to Parenthood’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, 59 (1): 4-19
Bernard, A. and Perales, F. (2024) ‘The Intergenerational Transmission of Migration Capital: The Role of Family-Migration History and Lived-Migration Experiences’ Demographic Research, 50 (29): 827-870
Woodforde, J., Kuswara, K., Perales, F., Salmon, J., Gomersall, S. and Stylianou, M. (2024) ‘A Qualitative Exploration of Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives of Before-School Physical Activity’ Online access in International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity
Woodforde, J., Perales, F., Salmon, J., Gomersall, S. and Stylianou, M. (2024) ‘Before-School Physical Activity Levels and Sociodemographic Correlates Among Australian Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study’ Journal of Sports Sciences, 42 (3): 237-246
Woodforde, J., Gomersall, S., Timperio, A., Mavoa, S., Perales, F., Salmon, J., and Stylianou, M. (2024) ‘Before-School Physical Activity Patterns among Adolescents Using Accelerometer and GPS Data’ Online access in Health & Place
Stambe, R., Kuskoff, E., Parsell, C., Ablaza, C., Perales, F. and Plage, S. (2023) 'Seeing, Sharing, and Supporting: Assertive Outreach as a Partial Solution to Rough Sleeping' Online access in The British Journal of Social Work
Wong, C. Y., Perales, F. and Bernard, A. (2023) ‘Outcomes of Humanitarian Migrants in Australia: Combining Spatial, Multidimensional and Longitudinal Perspectives’ Online access in Journal of Rural Studies
Boertien, D., Perales, F. and Pessin, L. (2023) ‘Does Intergenerational Educational Mobility Vary by Sexual Identity? A Comparative Analysis of 5 OECD Countries’ Online access in European Sociological Review
Perales, F., Kuskoff, E., Flood, M. and King, T. (2023) 'Like Father, Like Son: Empirical Insights into the Intergenerational Continuity of Masculinity Ideology' Sex Roles, 88: 399–412
Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Parsell, C., Middlebrook, N., Robinson, R., Kuskoff, E. and Plage, S. (2023) ‘Increases in Income-Support Payments Reduce the Demand for Charity: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis of Charitable-Assistance Data from Australia over the COVID-19 Pandemic’ PLoS One, 18 (7): e0287533
Keramat, S., Perales, F., et al., S. (2023) ‘Multimorbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life amongst Indigenous Australians: A Longitudinal Analysis’ Quality of Life Research,
Zajac, T., Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2023) ‘Diverging Labour-market Trajectories of Australian Graduates from Advantaged and Disadvantaged Social Backgrounds: A Longitudinal Analysis of Population-wide Linked Administrative Data’ International Labour Review, 164 (2): 561-585
Woodforde, J., Gomersall, S., Timperio, A., Loh, V., Browning, H., Perales, F., Salmon, J. and Stylianou, M. (2023) ‘Conceptualizing, Defining, and Measuring Before-School Physical Activity: A Review with Exploratory Analysis of Adolescent Data’ Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 6 (2): 101-114
Zajac, T., Perales, F., Tomaszewski, W., Xiang, N. and Zubrick, S. (2023) ‘Student Mental Health and Dropout from Higher Education: An Analysis of Australian Administrative Data’ Online access in Higher Education
Plage, S., Kuskoff, E., Parsell, C., Clarke, A., Ablaza, C. and Perales, F. (2023) ‘Longing for a Forever Home: Ontological Insecurity is Collectively Produced in Fixed-Term Family Supportive Housing’ Housing, Theory and Society, 40 (3): 394-410
Perales, F., Johnstone, M., Xiang, M. and Tomaszewski, W. (2023) ‘Explaining Achievement Gaps Between Students from Regional and Metropolitan Areas: Accounting for Socio-Demographic and School-Climate Factors’ Australian Journal of Education, 67 (1): 76-93
Perales, F. and Bernard, A. (2022) ‘Continuity or Change? How the Onset of COVID-19 Affected Internal Mobility in Australia’ Population, Space and Place, 29 (2): e2626
Rowland, B., Swami, N., Prattley, J., Duffy, J., Macdonald, J., Perales, F., Mansour, K. and Quinn, B. (2022) ‘Depressive Symptoms and Social Support Among Australian Men: A Seven-Year Longitudinal Study’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57 (9): 1243-1252
Kuskoff, E., Buchanan, C., Ablaza, C., Parsell, C. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘Media Representations of Social Housing Pre- and Post-COVID-19: The Changing Face of the Socially Excluded’ Housing Studies, 38 (1): 22-43
Guo, J., Basarkod, G., Perales, F. et al. (2022) ‘The Equality Paradox: Gender Equality Intensifies Male Advantages in Adolescent Mental Wellbeing’ Online access in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Kuskoff, E., Parsell, C., Plage, S., Perales, F. and Ablaza, C. (2022) ‘Of Good Mothers and Violent Fathers: Negotiating Child Protection Interventions in Abusive Relationships’ Online access in Violence Against Women
Donaghy, M. and Perales, F. (2024) ‘Workplace Wellbeing amongst LGBTQ+ Australians: Exploring Diversity within Diversity’ Journal of Sociology, 60 (1): 155-174
Perales, F., Xiang, N., Hartley, L., Kubler, M. and Tomaszewski, W. (2022) ‘Understanding Higher Education Participation amongst Humanitarian Migrants: An Analysis of Australian Longitudinal Survey Data’ Higher Education, 84 (2): 373-397
Keramat, S., Kim-Huong, N., Perales, F., Abdul-Aziz, S., Aliu, M., Bright Opoku, A. and Comans, T. (2022) ‘Estimating the Effects of Physical Violence and Serious Injury on Health-Related Quality of Life: Evidence from 19 Waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey’ Quality of Life Research, 31 (11): 3153-3164
Tang, A., Perales, F., Rowe, F. and Baxter, J. (2022) ‘From Bad to Worse: Examining the Deteriorating Labour Market Outcomes of International Graduates in Australia’ Journal of Population Research, 39: 441-473
Ablaza, C., Kuskoff, E., Perales, F. and Parsell, C. (2022) ‘Responding to Domestic and Family Violence: The Role of Non-specialist Services and Implications for Social Work’ The British Journal of Social Work, 53 (1): 81-99
Perales, F. (2022) ‘Improving the Wellbeing of LGBTQ+ Employees: Do Workplace Diversity Training and Ally Networks Make a Difference?’ Preventive Medicine, 161 (2022), 107113
Perales, F., Ablaza, C., Tomaszewski, W. and Emsen-Hough, D. (2022) ‘You, Me and Them: Understanding Employees’ Use of Trans-Affirming Language within the Workplace’ Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 19: 760-776
Kuskoff, E., Clarke, A., Perales, F. and Parsell, C. (2022) ‘Recognition or Redistribution? How Mainstream Media Frames Charitable Responses to People Experiencing Poverty’ Sociology, 57 (1): 157-174
King, T., Perales, F. and Sutherland, G. (2022) ‘Why We Need Population Data on Gender Norms, and Why This Is Important for Health’ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76 (6): 220-222
Kuskoff, E., Parsell, C., Plage, S., Ablaza, C. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘Willing but Unable: How Resources Help Low-Income Mothers Care for their Children and Minimise Child Protection Interventions’ The British Journal of Social Work, 52 (7): 3982-3998
Perales, F., Ablaza, C. and Elkin, N. (2022) ‘Exposure to Inclusive Language and Well-Being at Work among Transgender Employees in Australia, 2020’ American Journal of Public Health, 112 (3): 482-490
Campbell, A., Perales, F., Everett, B., Hughes, T. and Baxter, J. (2022) ‘Sexual Fluidity and Psychological Distress: What Happens when Young Women’s Sexual Identities Change?’ Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 63 (4): 577-593
Tang, A., Perales, F., Rowe, F. and Baxter, J. (2022) ‘The Going Gets Rougher: Exploring the Labour Market Outcomes of International Graduates in Australia’ International Migration, 60 (6): 167-184
Kabátek, J., Perales, F. and Ablaza, C. (2022) ‘Evidence of a Fraternal Birth Order Effect on Male and Female Same-Sex Marriage in the Dutch Population: A Reply to Blanchard and Semenyna, Gómez Jiménez & Vasey’ Journal of Sex Research, 59 (6): 697-703
Ablaza, C., Kabátek, J. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘Are Sibship Characteristics Predictive of Same-Sex Marriage? An Examination of Fraternal Birth Order and Female Fecundity Effects in Population-Level Administrative Data from the Netherlands’ Journal of Sex Research, 59 (6): 671-683
Perales, F., Lee, R., Forrest, W., Todd, A. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘Employment Prospects of Humanitarian Migrants in Australia: Does Gender Inequality in the Origin Country Matter?’ Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 21 (3): 382-396
Mitrou, F., Haynes, M., Perales, F., Zubrick, S. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET): More than a Youth Policy Issue’ International Journal of Population Data Science, 6 (1): 1-14
Perales, F., Hoffmann, H., King, T., Vidal, S. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘Mothers, Fathers and the Intergenerational Transmission of Gender-Role Attitudes’ Social Science Research, 99: 102597
King, T., Perales, F., Gurrin, L., Singh, A. and Crammond, B. (2021) ‘Traditionalism vs Egalitarianism: Is There an Association between Gender Attitudes and Mental Health?’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56 (7): 844-851
Parsell, C., Clarke, A. and Perales, F. (2021) ‘Poverty by Design: The Role of Charity and the Cultivated Ethical Citizen’ Social Policy & Society, 21 (4), 525-541
Del Pozo Cruz, B., Perales, F., Del Pozo Cruz, J. and Alfonso-Rosa, R. (2021) ‘Bidirectional and Dynamic Relationships between Social Isolation and Physical Functioning among Older Adults: A Cross-Lagged Panel Model of US National Survey Data’ Journal of Gerontology: Series A (Medical Sciences), 76 (11): 1977-1980
Perales, F., Campbell, A., Everett, B., McNair, R. and Hughes, T. (2021) ‘Prevalence and Socio–Demographic Correlates of Identifying as “Mainly Heterosexual”: Stability and Changes across Three Cohorts of Australian Women’ Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50: 3459-3477
Perales, F. (2021) ‘The Road Less Travelled: Using Administrative Data to Understand Inequalities by Sexual Orientation’ Law in Context, 37 (2): 1-14
Del Pozo Cruz, B., Perales, F., Del Pozo Cruz, J. and Alfonso-Rosa, R. (2021) ‘Impact of Social Isolation on Physical Functioning among Older Adults: A 9-year Longitudinal Study of a US-Representative Sample’ American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61 (2): 158-164
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2021) ‘The Long Arm of Parental Advantage: Socio-economic Background and Parental Financial Transfers over Adult Children’s Life Courses’ Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71: 100582
Bernard, A. and Perales, F. (2021) ‘Linking Internal and International Migration in 13 European Countries: Complementarity or Substitution?’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48 (3): 655-675
Begum, T., Fatima, Y., Perales, F., Anuradha, S. and Mamun, A. (2021) ‘Associations of Caesarean Section with Body Mass and Waist Circumference Trajectories from Age 2 to 13 Years: A Nationally Representative Cohort Study in Australia’ Pediatric Obesity, 16 (7): e12769
Bernard, A. and Perales, F. (2021) ‘Is Migration a Learned Behaviour? Understanding the Impact of Past Migration on Future Migration’ Population and Development Review, 47 (2): 449-474
Kabátek, J. and Perales, F. (2021) ‘Academic Achievement of Children in Same-Sex-Parented and Different-Sex-Parented Families: A Population-Level Analysis of Linked Administrative Data from the Netherlands’ Demography, 58 (2): 393-418
Hoffmann, H., Olson, R., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘New Mothers and Social Support: A Mixed Method Study of Young Mothers in Australia’ Journal of Sociology, 57 (4): 950-968
Campbell, A., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘Changes in Sexual Identity Labels in a Contemporary Cohort of Emerging Adult Women: Patterns, Prevalence and a Typology’ Journal of Sex Research, 58 (5): 612-624
Lee, R., Ruppanner, L. and Perales, F. (2020) ‘Making it Work: Migration, Motherhood and Employment in Australia’ Social Science Research, 88-89: 102429.
Sullivan, V., Coles, L., Xu, Y., Perales, F. and Thorpe, K. (2020) ‘Beliefs and Attributions: Insider Accounts of Men’s Place in Early Childhood Education and Care’ Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 21 (2): 126-137
Campbell, A., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘Sexual Minority Women in Longitudinal Survey Research: Is Attrition a Problem?’ Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 49: 1443-1461
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2020) ‘Health Disparities between Sexual Minority and Different-Sex-Attracted Adolescents: Quantifying the Intervening Role of Social Support and School Belonging’ LGBT Health, 7 (3): 146-154
Perales, F. and Plage, S. (2020) ‘Sexual Orientation, Geographic Proximity and Contact Frequency between Adult Siblings’ Journal of Marriage and Family, 82 (5): 1444-1460
Perales, F., Campbell, A. and Johnson, S. (2020) ‘Mental-Health Disparities between Heterosexual and Sexual-minority Adolescents: Examining the Role of Informant Discrepancies’ Journal of Adolescence, 79: 122-127
Perales, F., Simpson Reeves, L., Plage, S. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘The Family Lives of Australian Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People: A Review of the Literature and a Research Agenda’ Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 17 (1): 43-60
Wilson, T., Shalley, F. and Perales, F. (2020) ‘The Geography of Australia’s Marriage Law Postal Survey Outcome’ Area, 52 (10): 164-175
Perales, F. and Huang, Y. (2020) ‘Parental Financial Transfers: Do They Vary by Children’s Sexual Orientation?’ Social Forces, 98 (4): 1465-1497
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F., Xiang, N. and Kubler, M. (2020) ‘Beyond Graduation: Socio-Economic Background and Post-University Outcomes of Australian Tertiary-Education Students’ Research in Higher Education, 62: 26-44
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2019) ‘Early Roots of Sexual-Orientation Health Disparities: Associations between Sexual Attraction, Health and Wellbeing in a National Sample of Australian Adolescents’ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (10): 954-962
del Pozo-Cruz, B., Perales, F., Parker, P., Lonsdale, C., Noetel, M., Hesketh, K. and Sanders, T. (2019) ‘Joint Physical-Activity/Screen-Time Trajectories during Early Childhood: Socio-Demographic Predictors and Consequences on Health-Related Quality-of-Life and Socio-Emotional Outcomes’ International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16 (55): 1-13
Perales, F. (2019) ‘Modelling the Consequences of the Transition to Parenthood: Applications of Panel Regression Methods’ Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36 (11-12): 4005-4026
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2019) ‘To Pool or not to Pool? Trends and Predictors of Banking Arrangements within Australian Couples’ PLoS One, 14 (4): e0214019
Phillips, L., Ritchie, J. and Perales, F. (2019) ‘Surveying Support for Children and Young People’s Political Engagement in Australia and New Zealand’ Citizenship Studies, 23 (5): 460-485
Perales, F., Campbell, A. and O’Flaherty, M. (2019) ‘Sexual Orientation and Adolescent Time Use: How Sexual Minority Youth Spend their Time’ Child Development, 91 (3): 983-1000
Cano, T., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2019) ‘A Matter of Time: Father Involvement and Child Cognitive Outcomes’ Journal of Marriage and Family, 81 (1): 164-184
Ruppanner, L., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2019). ‘Harried and Unhealthy? Parenthood, Time Pressure and Mental Health’ Journal of Marriage and Family, 81 (2): 308-326
Perales, F., Lersch, P. and Baxter, J. (2019) ‘Birth Cohort, Ageing and Gender Ideology: Lessons from British Panel Data’ Social Science Research, 79: 85-100
Perales, F., Bouma, G. and Campbell, A. (2019) ‘Religion, Support of Equal Rights for Same-Sex Couples and the Australian National Vote on Marriage Equality’ Sociology of Religion, 80 (1): 107–129
Azpitarte, F., Chigavazira, A., Kalb, G., Farrant, B., Perales, F. and Zubrick, S. (2019) ‘Childcare Use and Its Role in Indigenous Child Development: Evidence from the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children in Australia’ The Economic Record, 95: 1-33.
Perales, F. (2019) ‘The Health and Wellbeing of Australian Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People: A Systematic Assessment Using a Longitudinal National Sample’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43 (3): 281-287
Johnson, S., Lawrence, D., Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Zubrick, S. (2019) ‘Poverty, Parental Mental Health and Child/Adolescent Mental Disorders: Findings from a National Australian Survey’ Child Indicators Research, 12 (3): 963-988
Perales, F. and Bouma, G. (2019) ‘Religion, Religiosity and Patriarchal Gender Beliefs: Understanding the Australian Experience’ Journal of Sociology, 55 (2): 323-341
Salimiha, A., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2018) ‘Maternal Employment and Children's Socio-Emotional Outcomes: An Australian Longitudinal Study’ International Journal of Public Health, 63 (9):1089–1098
Perales, F. and Todd, A. (2018) ‘Structural Stigma and the Health and Wellbeing of Australian LGB Populations: Exploiting Geographic Variation in the Results of the 2017 Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite’ Social Science & Medicine, 208: 190-199.
Perales, F. and Baffour, B. (2018) ‘Respondent Mental Health, Mental Disorders and Survey Interview Outcomes’ Survey Research Methods, 12 (2): 161-176
Perales, F. (2018) ‘The Cognitive Roots of Prejudice towards Same-Sex Couples: An Analysis of an Australian National Sample’ Intelligence, 68: 117-127
Lam, J. and Perales, F. (2018) ‘Chronic Illness and Mental Strain: The Longitudinal Role of Partners with Time since Illness Onset’ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 9 (3): 279-298
Perales, F., Jarallah, Y. and Baxter, J. (2018) ‘Men’s and Women’s Gender-Role Attitudes across the Transition to Parenthood: Accounting for Child’s Gender’ Social Forces, 97 (1): 251-276
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2018) ‘Who Supports Equal Rights for Same-Sex Couples? Evidence from Australia’ Family Matters, 100: 28-41
Johnson, S., Lawrence, D., Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Zubrick, S. (2018) ‘Prevalence of Mental Disorders among Children and Adolescents of Parents with Self-Reported Mental Health Problems’ Community Mental Health Journal, 54 (6):884–897
Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2018) ‘Sexual Identity and Relationship Quality in Australia and the United Kingdom’ Family Relations, 67 (1): 55-69
Perales, F. (2017) ‘Dynamics of Job Satisfaction across Geographic Relocations: A Panel Analysis of Young People in Britain and Australia’ The Annals of Regional Science, 59 (3): 577-601
Perales, F. and Chesters, J. (2017) ‘The Returns to Mature-Age Education in Australia’ International Journal of Educational Research, 85: 87-98
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2017) ‘Career Guidance, School Experiences and the University Participation of Young People from Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds’ International Journal of Educational Research, 85: 11-23
Schunck, R. and Perales, F. (2017) ‘Within- and Between-Cluster Effects in Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Discussion of Approaches and the xthybrid Command’ The Stata Journal, 17 (1): 89-115
Perales, F. and Plage, S. (2017) ‘Losing Ground, Losing Sleep: Local Economic Conditions, Economic Vulnerability, and Sleep’ Social Science Research, 62: 189-203
Buchler, S., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2017) ‘Does Parenthood Change Attitudes to Fathering? Evidence from Australia and Britain’ Sex Roles, 77 (9–10): 663–675
Martinez, A. and Perales, F. (2017) ‘The Dynamics of Multidimensional Poverty in Contemporary Australia’ Social Indicators Research, 130 (2): 479-496
Vidal, S., Perales, F., Lersch, P. and Branden, M. (2017) ‘Family Migration in a Cross-National Perspective: The Importance of Within-Couple Employment Arrangements in Australia, Britain, Germany and Sweden’ Demographic Research 36 (10): 307-338
Perales, F., Johnson, S., Baxter, J., Lawrence, D. and Zubrick, S. (2017) ‘Family Structure and Childhood Mental Disorders: New Findings from Australia’ Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52(4): 423-433
Perales, F. (2016) ‘The Costs of Being “Different”: Sexual Identity and Subjective Wellbeing over the Life Course' Social Indicators Research, 127 (2): 827-849
Flórez, L. A. and Perales, F. (2016) ‘Labour Protection and Informal Work: A Cross-National Analysis of European Countries, 2004-2012’ International Labour Review, 155 (4): 623-650
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2016) ‘A Land of the “Fair Go”? Intergenerational Earnings Elasticity in Australia’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, 51 (3): 363-383
Craig, L., Perales, F., Vidal, S. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Domestic Outsourcing, Housework Time and Subjective Time Pressure: New Insights from Longitudinal Data’ Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (5): 1224-1236
Perales, F. and Tomaszewski, W. (2016) ‘Happier with the Same: Job Satisfaction of Disadvantaged Workers’ British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (4): 685-708
Brady, M. and Perales, F. (2016) ‘Hours of Paid Work Among Single and Partnered Mothers in Australia: The Role of Childcare Packages’ Journal of Family Issues, 37 (3): 321-343
Brynin, M. and Perales, F. (2016) ‘Gender Wage Inequality: The De-Gendering of the Occupational Structure’ European Sociological Review, 32 (1): 162-174
Plage, S., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Doing Gender Overnight? Parenthood, Gender and Sleep Quantity and Quality in Australia’ Family Matters, 97: 73-81
Vidal, S., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Dynamics of Domestic Labour across Short- and Long-Distance Family Relocations’ Journal of Marriage and Family, 78 (2): 364-382
Perales, F., O’Flaherty, M. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Early Life Course Family Structure and Children’s Socio-Emotional and Behavioural Functioning: A View from Australia: A View from Australia’ Child Indicators Research, 9 (4): 1003-1028
Ting, S., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Gender, Ethnicity and the Division of Household Labour within Heterosexual Couples in Australia’ Journal of Sociology 52 (4): 693-710
Perales, F., Baffour, B. and Mitrou, F. (2015) ‘Ethnic Differences in the Quality of the Interview Process and Implications for Survey Analysis: The Case of Indigenous Australians’ PLoS ONE, 10 (6): e0130994
Perales, F. and Vidal, S. (2015) ‘Looking Inwards: Towards a Geographically-Sensitive Approach to Occupational Sex-Segregation’ Regional Studies, 49 (4): 582-598
Perales, F., Del Pozo, J. and Del Pozo, B. (2015) ‘Long-Term Dynamics in Physical Activity Behavior across the Transition to Parenthood’ International Journal of Public Health, 60 (3): 301-308
Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Tai, T. (2015) 'Gender, Justice and Work: A Distributive Approach to Perceptions of Housework Fairness' Social Science Research, 51 (1): 51-63
Baxter, J., Buchler, S., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2015) ‘A Life Changing Event: First Births and Men’s and Women’s Attitudes to Mothering and Gender Divisions of Labor’ Social Forces, 93 (3), 989-1014
Perales, F., Del Pozo, J. and Del Pozo, B. (2014) ‘Impact of Physical Activity on Psychological Distress: A Prospective Analysis of an Australian National Sample’ American Journal of Public Health, 104 (12): e91-e97
Perales, F. (2014) ‘How Wrong Were We? Dependent Interviewing, Self-Reports and Measurement Error in Occupational Mobility’ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 4 (3): 299-316
Perales, F., Del Pozo, J., Del Pozo, J. and Del Pozo, B. (2014) ‘On the Associations between Physical Activity and Quality of Life: Findings from an Australian Nationally Representative Panel Survey’ Quality of Life Research, 23 (7): 1921-1933
Tomaszewski, W. and Perales, F. (2014) ‘Who Settles for Less? Subjective Dispositions, Objective Circumstances, and Housing Satisfaction’ Social Indicators Research, 118 (1): 181-203
Perales, F. (2013) ‘Occupational Sex-Segregation, Specialized Human Capital and Wages: Evidence from Britain’ Work, Employment and Society, 27 (4): 600-620
Perales, F. and Vidal, S. (2013) ‘Occupational Characteristics, Occupational Sex-Segregation and Family Migration Decisions’ Population, Space and Place, 19 (5): 487-504
Perales, F. (2010) ‘The Impact of Occupational Sex-Segregation on Wages: Evidence from Britain’ Essex Graduate Journal of Sociology, 10: 35-53
Perales, F. (2008) ‘Voluntarism and Determinism in Giddens’s and Bourdieu’s Theories of Human Agency’ Essex Graduate Journal of Sociology, 8: 55-64
Book chapters
Campbell, A. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘Intergenerational Processes of Disadvantage in the Lives of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Australians: From Relationships to Parents to Parenting Expectations’. In: Baxter, J., Lam, J., Lee, R., Povey, J. and Zubrick, S. R. (eds.) ‘Family Dynamics over the Life Course: Foundations, Turning Points and Outcomes’, pp.251-278. Springer
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. Xiang, N. and Kubler, M. (2022) ‘Differences in Higher Education Access, Participation and Outcomes by Socio-Economic Background: A Life Course Perspective’. In: Baxter, J., Lam, J., Lee, R., Povey, J. and Zubrick, S. R. (eds.) ‘Family Dynamics over the Life Course: Foundations, Turning Points and Outcomes’, pp.133-156. Springer
Cano, T., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘¿Afecta la Implicación Paterna al Desarrollo Cognitivo Infantil?’. In: Flaquer, L., Cano, T. and Barbeta, M. (2020) ‘La Paternidad en España: La Implicación Paterna en el Cuidado de los Hijos’, pp.121-136. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2020) ‘Schools and Career Guidance Key to Widening University Participation’. In: Forrest, C. and Scobie, C. (eds.) ‘25 Years of LSAY: Research from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth’, pp.64-68. Adelaide: National Centre for Vocational Education Research
Perales, F. (2014) ‘Why Do Men and Women Still Work in Different Occupations? A Test of Human Capital and Socialization Theories’. In: Tavidze, A. (ed.) ‘Progress in Economics Research (Volume 29)’, pp.171-207. New York: Nova Science Publishers
Working papers
Bacquet-Carlier, S., Bernard, A. and Perales, F. (2025) ‘Weathering Change: Five-Year Patterns of Residential Mobility Following Extreme Weather Events in Australia’ SSRN
Perales, F., Campbell, A. and Elkin, N. (2024) ‘Workplace Sexual Harassment: Understanding the Experiences of LGBTQ Employees’ LCC Working Papers, 2024-20
Steinbring, R., Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Lam, J. (2024) ‘Characteristics of Male-breadwinner, Female-Breadwinner and Equal-Earner Households in Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2024-11
Parsell, C., Perales, F., Kuskoff, E., Plage, S. and Stambe, R. (2023) ‘Permanent Supportive Housing: A Ten-Year Study of Entries and Exits’ LCC Working Papers, 2023-05
Buchanan, C., Kuskoff, E., Ablaza, C., Parsell, C. and Perales, F. (2022) ‘From ‘Deadbeat’ to ‘Deserving’: The Role of Covid-19 in Reshaping Media Representations of Social Housing’ LCC Working Papers, 2022-14
Zajac, T., Perales, F., Tomaszewski, W. and Xiang, N. (2021) 'Diverging Labour-market Trajectories of Australian Graduates from Advantaged and Disadvantaged Social Backgrounds: A Longitudinal Analysis of Population-wide Linked Administrative Data' LCC Working Papers, 2021-21
Tang, A., Perales, F., Rowe, F. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘From Bad to Worse: Examining the Deteriorating Labour Market Outcomes of International Graduates in Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2021-10
Tang, A., Perales, F., Rowe, F. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘The Going Gets Rougher: Exploring the Labour Market Outcomes of International Graduates in Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2021-04
Mitrou, F., Haynes, M., Perales, F., Zubrick, S. and Baxter, J. (2021) ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET): More than a Youth Policy Issue’ LCC Working Papers, 2021-02
Perales, F., Xiang, N., Hartley, L., Kubler, M. and Tomaszewski, W. (2020) ‘Understanding Access to Higher Education amongst Humanitarian Migrants: A Longitudinal Analysis of Australian Survey Data’ LCC Working Papers, 2020-31
Bernard, A. and Perales, F. (2020) ‘Is Migration a Learned Behaviour? Understanding the Impact of Past Migration on Future Migration’ Queensland Centre for Population Research Working Papers, 2020-02
Perales, F., Hoffmann, H., King, T., Vidal, S. and Baxter, J. (2020) ‘Mothers, Fathers and the Intergenerational Transmission of Gender-Role Attitudes’ LCC Working Papers, 2020-05
Hoffmann, H., Olson, R., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2019) ‘“Everyone My Age Doesn’t Know What It’s Like”: A Mixed-Method Study of Young Mothers and Social Support in Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2019-14
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F., Xiang, N., and Kubler, M. (2018) ‘Beyond Graduation: Socio-Economic Background and Post-University Outcomes of Australian Graduates’ LCC Working Papers, 2018-22
Wilson, T., Shalley, F. and Perales, F. (2018) ‘The Geography of Australia’s Marriage Law Postal Survey Outcome’ Northern Institute (Charles Darwin University) Working Papers, 2018-04
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2018) ‘The Long Arm of Parental Advantage: Socio-Economic Background and Parental Wealth Transfers over Adult Children’s Life Courses’ LCC Working Papers, 2018-05
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2017) ‘Who Supports Equal Rights for Same-Sex Couples? Evidence from Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-20
Khanam, R., Perales, F. and Nghiem, S. ‘Sources of Variation in the Income Gradient in Child Mental Health: Evidence from Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-19
Perales, F. and Chesters, J. (2017) ‘The Returns to Mature-Age Education in Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-05
Lam, J. and Perales, F. (2017) ‘Chronic Illness and Mental Strain: The Moderating Role of Marital Status over the Disease Cycle’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-03
Perales, F. and Baffour, B. (2017) ‘Respondent Mental Wellbeing and Interviewer Ratings of the Quality of the Survey Interview’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-02
Perales, F., Lersch, P. and Baxter, J. (2017) ‘Birth Cohort, Ageing and Gender Ideology: Lessons from British and Australian Panel Data’ LCC Working Papers, 2017-01
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2016) ‘On Whose Account? A Longitudinal Study of Financial Arrangements within Heterosexual Couples’ LCC Working Papers, 2016-30
Azpitarte, F., Chigavazira, A., Kalb, G., Farrant, B., Perales, F. and Zubrick, S. (2016) ‘Childcare Use and Its Role in Indigenous Child Development: Evidence from the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children in Australia’ Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series, 2016-36
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2016) ‘Career Guidance, School Experiences and the University Participation of Young People from Equity Groups’ LCC Working Papers, 2016-27
Jarallah, Y., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2016) ‘Parenthood and Men’s and Women’s Gender-Role Attitudes: Does Child’s Gender Matter?’ LCC Working Papers, 2016-12
Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2015) ‘The Lives of the Others: Sexual Identity and Relationship Quality in Australia and the UK’ LCC Working Papers, 2015-31
Vidal, S., Perales, F., Lersch, P. and Brandén, M. (2015) ‘Family Migration in a Cross-National Perspective: The Importance of Institutional and Cultural Context’ LCC Working Papers, 2015-30
Huang, Y., Perales, F. and Western, M. (2015) ‘Intergenerational Earnings Elasticity Revisited: How Does Australia Fare in Income Mobility?’ LCC Working Papers, 2015-14
Perales, F., O'Flaherty, M. and Baxter, J. (2015) 'Early Life Course Family Structure and Children’s Socio-Emotional and Behavioural Functioning: A View from Australia' LCC Working Papers, 2015-12
Flórez, L. A. and Perales, F. (2015) ‘Labour Protection and Informal Work: A Cross-National Analysis of European Countries, 2004-2012’ LCC Working Papers, 2015-07
Perales, F. and Plage, S. (2015) ‘Losing Ground, Losing Sleep: Economic Vulnerability, Local Economic Conditions and Sleep Quantity’ LCC Working Papers, 2015-06
Perales, F., Higginson, A., Baxter, J., Western, M., Zubrick, S. R. and Mitrou, F. (2014) ‘Intergenerational Welfare Dependency in Australia: A Review of the Literature’ LCC Working Papers, 2014-09
Martinez, A. and Perales, F. (2014) ‘The Dynamics of Multidimensional Poverty in Contemporary Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2014-08
Perales, F. (2014) ‘The Costs of Being “Different”: Sexual Identity and Subjective Wellbeing over the Life Course in Contemporary Australia’ LCC Working Papers, 2014-07
Perales, F. and Tomaszewski, W. (2014) ‘Happier with the Same: Job Satisfaction of Disadvantaged Workers’ LCC Working Papers, 2014-04
Perales, F., Baffour, B. and Mitrou, F. (2014) ‘Differences in the Quality of the Interview Process between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians: Implications for Survey Analysis’ LCC Working Papers, 2014-02
Perales, F. and Vidal, S. (2011) ‘Occupational Characteristics, Occupational Sex-Segregation and Family Migration Decisions’ Migremus Working Papers, Nr 1/2011
Perales, F. (2010) ‘Occupational Feminization, Specialized Human Capital and Wages: Evidence from the British Labour Market’ ISER Working Papers, 2010-31
Other outputs
Perales, F., Baxter, J. and Steinbring, R. (2025) ‘How having a baby makes it more likely Australian couples rely on the man's income’ The Conversation, 2/01/2025
Phillips, L., Ritchie, J. and Perales, F. (2024) 'Are young climate activists finally being heard? Our research shows adults support youth voice to parliament' The Conversation, 01/08/2024
Perales, F., Kuskoff, E., Flood, M. and King, T. (2023) 'Like father, like son: new research shows how young men 'copy' their fathers' masculinity' The Conversation, 21/04/2023
Perales, F., Kabátek, J. and Ablaza, C. (2022) ‘Research confirms men with older brothers are more likely to be gay, suggesting same-sex attraction has a biological basis’ The Conversation, 19/01/2022
Kabátek, J. and Perales, F. (2021) ‘Children with same-sex parents do better at school than their peers’ The Conversation, 16/02/2021
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2019) ‘How many Australians are not heterosexual? It depends on who, what and when you ask’ The Conversation, 11/06/2019
Ruppanner, L., Perales, F. and Baxter, J. (2018) 'Having a second child worsens parents’ mental health: new research' The Conversation, 7/12/2018
Perales, F. (2018) 'About water being wet, the grass being green and the role of LGB research in public debate' SmallChange, 31/08/2018
Perales, F. (2018) 'How stigma impacts LGB health and wellbeing in Australia' The Conversation, 04/06/2018
Perales, F. (2017) ‘Cognitive ability plays a role in attitudes to equal rights for same-sex couples’ The Conversation, 26/09/2017
Phillips, L., Perales, F. and Ritchie, J. (2017) ‘Giving voice to the young: survey shows people want under-18s involved in politics’ The Conversation, 11/09/2017
Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2017) ‘Revealed: who supports marriage equality in Australia - and who doesn't’ The Conversation, 31/08/2017
Sharma, N., Perales, F. and Campbell, A. (2024) ‘Cracking the Rainbow Glass Ceiling: Insights from Social Science’ Report prepared for Pride Inclusion Programs.
Parsell, C., Perales, F., Kuskoff, E., Robinson, R., Ablaza, C., Plage, S. and Stambe, R. (2023) ‘A Survey of the People Contributing to the St Vincent De Paul Society Queensland’ Report prepared for Common Ground Queensland.
Stambe, R., Ablaza, C., Plage, S., Kuskoff, E., Perales, F. and Parsell, C. (2023). ‘An Empirical Study of Micah Project’s Street to Home Program’ Report prepared for Micah Projects.
Parsell, C., Perales, F., Kuskoff, E., Stambe, R. and Plage, S. (2022) ‘Brisbane Common Ground: Analyses of Tenancy Sustainment and Exits’ Report prepared for Micah Projects and Common Ground Queensland.
Stambe, R., Ablaza, C., Plage, S., Kuskoff, E., Perales, F. and Parsell, C. (2022) ‘Pathways Out of Homelessness Grant Program: An Evaluation Report’ Report prepared for Micah Projects.
Ablaza, C., Parsell, C., Perales, F., and Kuskoff, E. (2022) ‘Ask and You Shall Receive: Exploring the Non-Take-Up of Assistance from the Community Sector’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
Xiang, N., Perales, F., Johnstone, M. and Tomaszewski, W. (2021) ‘School-level Factors Improving Outcomes for Regional, Rural and Remote Students: Evidence from Two Cohort Studies’. Report prepared for the Queensland Department of Education
Zajac, T., Perales, F., Xiang, N., Tomaszewski, W., and Zubrick, S. (2021) ‘Investigating the Relevance of Mental Health for the Current Equity Groups Framework: An Analysis of Multi-Agency Linked-Administrative Data’. Report prepared for the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
Xiang, N., Perales, F. and Tomaszewski, W. (2021) ‘Sense of Belonging at School in Australia: The Relevance of Student, School, Family, and Community Factors’. Report prepared for the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE), NSW Department of Education.
Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Parsell, C., Robinson, R and Kuskoff, E. (2021) ‘Income Support in the COVID-19 Era: A Case for Reform’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Parsell, C. and Robinson, R. (2021) ‘The Demand for Emergency Relief: Stability and Change in the Wake of COVID-19’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
Ablaza, C., Kuskoff, E., Perales, F., Parsell, C. & Robinson, R. (2021) ‘Domestic and Family Violence and Emergency Relief: The Who, the What, and the Where’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Parsell, C. and Robinson, R. (2021) ‘Income and Emergency Relief: What We Know so Far’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland
Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Parsell, C., Robinson, R and Kuskoff, E. (2021) ‘Income Support in the COVID-19 Era: A Case for Reform’ Brief report prepared for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
Kuskoff, E., Parsell, C., Ablaza, C., Perales, F., Clarke, A. and Plage, S. (2021) ‘Keeping Families Together: Pilot Project Study’. Report prepared for Micah Projects and Common Ground Queensland.
Tomaszewski, W., Kubler, M., Perales, F., Clague, D., Xiang, N. and Johnstone, M. (2020). ‘Investigating the Effects of Cumulative Factors of Disadvantage’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
Zajac, T., Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2021) ‘Mid-Term Post-Graduation Outcomes of Bachelor’s Degree Holders: Implications for Equity Policy’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F., Xiang, N., Zajac, T., Tran, N. and Clague, D. (2020) ‘Transitions Out of Tertiary Education and Equity’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
Perales, F., Kubler, M., Xiang, N. and Tomaszewski, W. (2020) ‘Understanding Access to Higher Education amongst Humanitarian Migrants in Australia’. Report prepared for the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
Gravelle, T., Lam, J., Hoffstaedter, G., Rossa, K. and Perales, F. (2019) ‘Design Options for the Building a New Life in Australia Study’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Perales, F., Campbell, A., Ablaza, C., Western, M., Baxter, J. and Thorpe, K. (2018) ‘Growing Up in New Zealand Study Independent Review: Optimal Timing and Design of Future Data-Collection Waves’. Report prepared for the Growing Up in New Zealand Steering Committee.
Tomaszewski, W., Kubler, M., Perales, F., Western, M., Rampino, T. and Xiang, N. (2018) ‘Review of Identified Equity Groups’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F., Xiang, N., and Kubler, M. (2018). ‘Beyond Graduation: Long-Term Socio-Economic Outcomes amongst Equity Students’. Report prepared for the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
Kubler, M., Xiang, N., Tomaszewski, W. and Perales, F. (2017) ‘HASS Graduate Employment Outcomes in Australia: An Analysis of Census Data’. Report prepared for the UQ Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, December 2017.
Xiang, N., Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Kubler, M. (2017) ‘Labour market Destinations and Outcomes of HASS Graduates: What the Graduate Outcomes Survey Can Tell Us’. Report prepared for the UQ Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, November 2017.
Perales, F., Xiang, N., Tomaszewski, W., and Kubler, M. (2017) ‘Labour Market Destinations and Outcomes of HASS Graduates: What the HILDA Survey Can Tell Us’. Report prepared for the UQ Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, November 2017.
Hughes, B., Pruitt, L., Shteir, S., Perales, F., Mamun, A., Mitchell, S., Moore, J. and Moran, M. (2017) ‘Deployed Women Project: Exploring the Contributions and Experiences of Australia’s Women in Peace and Security Operations’. Report prepared for The Australian Civil-Military Centre, October 2017.
Povey, J., Brady, M., Perales, F., Clague, D., Baxter, J., Pedde, C. and Kennedy, E. (2017) ‘Key Findings from the Evaluation of the Nanny Pilot Programme’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, August 2017.
Povey, J., Brady, M., Perales, F., Baxter, J., Clague, D., Stevenson, S., Pedde, C. and Kennedy, E. (2017) ‘Key Findings from the In Home Care Program Review’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, July 2017.
Povey, J., Brady, M., Perales, F., Baxter, J., Clague, D., Stevenson, S., Pedde, C. and Kennedy, E. (2017) ‘In Home Care Program Review. Technical Report’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, May 2017.
Povey, J., Brady, M., Perales, F., Baffour, B., Baxter, J., Pedde, C., Clague, D., Stevenson, S., Campbell, A. and Jarallah, Y. (2017) ‘Nanny Pilot Programme Evaluation. Interim Report’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, January 2017.
Tomaszewski, W., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2017) ‘School Experiences, Career Guidance, and the University Participation of Young People from Three Equity Groups in Australia’. Report prepared for National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, January 2017.
Martin, B., McLean, G., Noonan, P., Tomaszewski, W., Western, M., Baffour, B., Coles, L., Davies, M., Lamb, S., Perales, F. and Xiang, N. (2016) ‘Scoping the Widening Participation Longitudinal Study’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland, May 2016
Western, M., Haynes, M., Baffour, B. and Perales, F. (2014) ‘The Case for a New Australian Birth Cohort Study’. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Social Services, September 2014
Perales, F., Higginson, A., Baxter, J., Western, M., Zubrick, S. and Mitrou, F. (2013) ‘Intergenerational Income Support Dependency. Report to the Federal Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs’ Federal Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Perales, F. and Schunck, R. (2016). Stata command ‘XTHYBRID: Stata module to estimate hybrid and correlated random effect (Mundlak) models within the framework of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM)’.
Perales, F. (2015). Stata command ‘LSACSETUP: Stata module to create a longitudinal dataset for Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children'.
Perales, F. (2013). Stata command ‘MUNDLAK: Stata module to estimate random-effects regressions adding group-means of independent variables to the model’.
Perales, F. (2013). Stata command ‘KITCHENSINK: Stata module to module to return the regression model with the highest number of statistically significant predictors’.
Perales, F. (2013). Stata command ‘HILDASETUP: Stata module to create a longitudinal dataset for the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey’.