Associate Professor Robin Fitzgerald
School of Social Science
+61 7 336 52287

Featured projects | Duration |
Parole in crisis? Public opinion on the use of parole ARC Discovery Project |
2015–2017 |
'Living on our street': Everyday experiences of neighbouring in Brisbane ARC Discovery Project |
2015–2017 |
Un-neighbourliness: The nature, causes and outcomes of neighbour problems ARC Discovery Project |
2015–2017 |
Fitzgerald, Robin , Freiberg, Arie , Dodd, Shannon and Bartels, Lorana (2023). Parole on probation: parole decision-making, public opinion and public confidence. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-19385-9
Book Chapters
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2024). The consequences of criminalizing domestic violence: a case study of the non-fatal strangulation offense in Queensland, Australia. The criminalization of violence against women: comparative perspectives. (pp. 209-228) edited by Heather Douglas, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Leigh Goodmark and Sandra Walklate. New York, NY United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197651841.003.0012
Fitzgerald, Robin and Cherney, Adrian (2016). Work and training in prison as a form of imagined desistance. Experiencing imprisonment: research on the experience of living and working in carceral institutions. (pp. 248-262) edited by Carla Reeves. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315764177
Carrington, Peter and Fitzgerald, Robin T. (2012). Do police discriminate against minority youth in Canada?. Criminal justice in Canada: A reader. (pp. 187-198) edited by Michelle Grossman and Julian Roberts. Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education.
Journal Articles
Sharman, Leah S., Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2024). A Qualitative Exploration of the Impact of Increasing Criminalization on Domestic Violence Support Workers: Nonfatal Strangulation as a Case Study. Violence Against Women, 10778012241289422. doi: 10.1177/10778012241289422
Sharman, Leah, Fitzgerald, Robin and Douglas, Heather (2024). Prevalence of Sexual Strangulation/Choking Among Australian 18–35
Year‑Olds. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10508-024-02937-y
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2024). Prosecuting strangulation offences: understanding complainant withdrawal using a social entrapment lens. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 37 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/10345329.2024.2336717
Sharman, Leah S., Fitzgerald, Robin and Douglas, Heather (2024). Strangulation during sex among undergraduate students in Australia: toward understanding participation, harms, and education. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. doi: 10.1007/s13178-024-00941-4
Douglas, Heather, Sharman, Leah and Fitzgerald, Robin (2024). Domestic violence, sex, strangulation and the ‘blurry’ question of consent. The Journal of Criminal Law, 88 (1), 48-66. doi: 10.1177/00220183241233455
Sharman, Leah S., Fitzgerald, Robin and Douglas, Heather (2024). Correction to: Prevalence of Sexual Strangulation/Choking Among Australian 18–35 Year-Olds (Archives of Sexual Behavior, (2024), 10.1007/s10508-024-02937-y). Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s10508-024-03014-0
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2023). The Australian legal response to non-fatal strangulation: Policy recommendations. Emerald Open Research, 1 (13). doi: 10.35241/emeraldopenres.1114935.1
Sharman, Leah S., Fitzgerald, Robin and Douglas, Heather (2023). Medical evidence assisting non-fatal strangulation prosecution: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 13 (3) e072077, 1-11. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072077
Fitzgerald, Robin, Freiberg, Arie, Dodd, Shannon and Bartels, Lorana (2022). Building public confidence in parole boards: findings from a four-country study. The British Journal of Criminology, 62 (6), 1395-1413. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azab097
Walsh, Tamara and Fitzgerald, Robin (2022). Youth justice, community safety and children's rights in Australia. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 30 (3), 617-643. doi: 10.1163/15718182-30030009
Walsh, Tamara, Fitzgerald, Robin, Cornwell, Lucy and Scarpato, Cara (2021). Raise the age - and then what? Exploring the alternatives of criminalising children under 14 years of age. James Cook University Law Review, 27, 37-56.
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2021). Proving non-fatal strangulation in family violence cases: a case study on the criminalisation family violence. The International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 25 (4), 350-370. doi: 10.1177/13657127211036175
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2020). Women's stories of non-fatal strangulation: informing the criminal justice response. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 22 (2), 174889582094960-286. doi: 10.1177/1748895820949607
Whitehouse, Harvey and Fitzgerald, Robin (2020). Fusion and reform: the potential for identity fusion to reduce recidivism and improve reintegration. Anthropology in Action, 27 (1), 1-13. doi: 10.3167/aia.2020.270101
Fitzgerald, Robin, Douglas, Heather and Heybroek, Lachlan (2019). Sentencing, Domestic Violence, and the Overrepresentation of Indigenous Australians: Does Court Location Matter?. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (21-22), 886260519885916-10613. doi: 10.1177/0886260519885916
Fitzgerald, Robin and Douglas, Heather (2019). The Whole Story: The Dilemma of the Domestic Violence Protection Order Narrative. The British Journal of Criminology, 60 (1), 180-197. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azz043
Cheshire, Lynda, Fitzgerald, Robin and Liu, Yan (2019). Neighbourhood change and neighbour complaints: how gentrification and densification influence the prevalence of problems between neighbours. Urban Studies, 56 (6), 1093-1112. doi: 10.1177/0042098018771453
Fitzgerald, Robin, Freiberg, Arie and Bartels, Lorana (2018). Redemption or forfeiture? understanding diversity in Australians’ attitudes to parole. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 20 (2), 1-18. doi: 10.1177/1748895818800738
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2018). The domestic violence protection order system as entry to the criminal justice system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. International Journal For Crime, Justice And Social Democracy, 7 (3), 41-57. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v7i3.499
Freiberg, Arie, Bartels, Lorana, Fitzgerald, Robin and Dodd, Shannon (2018). Parole, Politics and Penal Policy. QUT Law Review, 18 (1), 191-216. doi: 10.5204/qutlr.v18i1.742
Bartels, Lorana, Fitzgerald, Robin and Freiberg, Arie (2018). Public opinion on sentencing and parole in Australia. Probation Journal, 65 (3), 026455051877676-284. doi: 10.1177/0264550518776763
Fitzgerald, Robin, Cherney, Adrian and Heybroek, Lachlan (2016). Recidivism among prisoners: who comes back?. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice (530).
Fitzgerald, Robin, Bartels, lorana, Freiberg, Arie, Cherney, Adrian and Buglar, Shannon (2016). How does the Australian public view parole? Results from a national survey on public attitudes towards parole and re-entry. Criminal Law Journal, 40 (6), 307-324.
Cherney, Adrian and Fitzgerald, Robin (2016). Efforts by offenders to manage and overcome stigma: the case of employment. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28 (1), 17-31. doi: 10.1080/10345329.2016.12036054
Fitzgerald, Robin and Graham, Timothy (2016). Assessing the risk of domestic violence recidivism. Crime and Justice Bulletin, 189.
Cherney, Adrian and Fitzgerald, Robin (2016). Finding and keeping a job: the value and meaning of employment for parolees. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60 (1), 21-37. doi: 10.1177/0306624X14548858
Cheshire, Lynda and Fitzgerald, Robin (2014). From private nuisance to criminal behaviour: neighbour problems and neighbourhood context in an Australian city. Housing Studies, 30 (1), 100-122. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2014.933783
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2014). Strangulation, domestic violence and the legal response. Sydney Law Review, 36 (2), 231-254.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Mazerrole, Lorraine and Mazerolle, Paul (2013). Drug normalisation and Australian youth: group differences in the social accommodation of drug use. Journal of Youth Studies, 16 (7), 901-915. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2013.763920
Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2013). Legal processes and gendered violence: cross-applications for domestic violence protection orders. UNSW Law Journal, 36 (1), 56-87.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Mazerolle, Paul, Piquero, Alex R. and Ansara, Donna L. (2012). Exploring sex differences among sentenced juvenile offenders in Australia. Justice Quarterly, 29 (3), 420-447. doi: 10.1080/07418825.2011.565361
Fitzgerald, Robin T. and Carrington, Peter J. (2011). Disproportionate minority contact in Canada: Police and visible minority youth. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 53 (4), 449-486. doi: 10.3138/cjccj.53.4.449
Fitzgerald, Robin (2009). Self-reported violent delinquency and the influence of neighbourhood, school and student characteristics. Crime and Justice Research Paper Series (17), 1-20.
Fitzgerald, Robin T. and Carrington, Peter J. (2008). The neighbourhood context of urban Aboriginal crime. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 50 (5), 523-557. doi: 10.3138/cjccj.50.5.523
Fitzgerald, Robin (2008). Fear of crime and the neighbourhood context in Canadian cities. Crime and Justice Research Paper Series - Série de documents de recherche sur la criminalité et la justice, 13, 1-28.
Fitzgerald, Robin (2003). An examination of sex differences in delinquency. Crime and Justice Research Paper Series, 85-561 (MIE 1), 1-24.
Robin Fitzgerald (1999). Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile. Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 85-224-XPE.
Fitzgerald, Robin (1997). Assaults against children and youth in the family. Juristat, 17 (11)
Conference Papers
Fitzgerald, Robin, Douglas, Heather and Sharman, Leah (2022). Criminalisation of non-fatal strangulation in Australia: what is prison for?. Rage, reckoning, and remedy: Global Meeting on Law & Society 2022, Virtual/Lisbon, Spain, 13 - 16 July 2022.
Douglas, Heather Anne and Fitzgerald, Robin (2017). Contraventions of DVOs: the Queensland context. Not Now, Not Ever Research Symposium, Mackay, QLD, Australia, 23-24 February 2017.
Douglas, Heather Anne and Fitzgerald, Robin (2017). Contraventions of Domestic Violence Protection Orders. Criminal Law Researchers Workshop 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 15 February 2017.
Douglas, Heather Anne and Fitzgerald, Robin (2013). Domestic violence protection orders and attempted strangulation. Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, Brisbane, 3 October 2013.
Newspaper Articles
Douglas, Heather, Sharman, Leah and Fitzgerald, Robin (2024, 07 02). More than half of Australian young people are using strangulation during sex: new research The Conversation
Research Reports
Fitzgerald, Robin, Blaber, Helen and Cornwell, Lucy (2023). Parole suspensions in Queensland: an examination of Prisoners’ Legal Service case files 2018-2020. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland; Prisoners' Legal Service.
Sharman, Leah, Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2021). Review of domestic violence deaths involving fatal or non-fatal strangulation in Queensland. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Melbourne/The University of Queensland.
Cheshire, Lynda, Clarke, Andrew, Fay, Suzanna, Fitzgerald, Robin and Parsell, Cameron (2020). Next step home – Women on parole evaluation: Stage 2. Final report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Government.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Dodd, Shannon, Antrobus, Emma and Sydes, Michelle (2020). Evaluation of the Borallon Training & Correctional Centre. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.
Walsh, Tamara and Fitzgerald, Robin (2020). Logan Community Justice Centre: community consultation and design report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Cheshire, Lynda, Singh, David, Clarke, Andrew, Fitzgerald, Robin, Fay, Suzanna and Parsell, Cameron (2019). Next Step Home – Women on Parole Evaluation: Interim Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Government.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Antrobus, Emma and Catalano, Grazia (2019). Evaluation of the Beenleigh/Logan Probation and Parole Social Capital Hubs Pilot. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Corrective Services.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Heybroek, Lachlan, Platnikova, Maria and Cherney, Adrian (2015). Violent offenders in corrections populations: An examination of recidivism ad offence specialization. Final Report to the Criminology Research Council, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, ACT. Criminology Research Grant CRG 02/13-14. Canberra ACT Australia: Criminology Research Council, Australian Institute of Criminology.
Fitzgerald, Robin, Cherney, Adrian and Platnikova, Maria (2014). Recent Research on Employment, parole and desistance: A Synopsis of Four Studies, School of Social Science, University of Queensland. Queensland Corrective Services. St Lucia QLD Australia: School of Social Science, University of Queensland.
Fitzgerald, Robin (2010). Parenting, school contexts and violent delinquency. Canadian Centre For Justice Statistics Ottawa, Canada: Statistics Canada.
Department Technical Reports
Fitzgerald, Robin, Douglas, Heather, Pearce, Eden and Lloyd, Madison (2022). The prosecution of non-fatal strangulation cases: an examination of finalised prosecution cases in Queensland, 2017-2020. School of Social Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Sharman, Leah, Douglas, Heather and Fitzgerald, Robin (2022). Non-fatal strangulation offence convictions and outcomes: Insights from Queensland wide interlinked courts data, 2016/2017-2019-2020 . Department of Justice and Attorney General, Queensland.
Mazerolle, Paul and Fitzgerald, Robin (2010). Methodological review of the NSW Child Death Review Annual Report. NSW Ombudsman.
Mazerolle, Paul, Meredith McHugh, Robin Fitzgerald, Sanderson, Jennifer, Anderson-Bond, Travis and Manning, Mathew (2010). Ticketing for public nuisance offences in Queensland: An evaluation of the 12-month trial. Department of Justice and Attorney-General Queensland.