Elain Kraemer is doing her PhD on Rural and Urban Experiences of Online Dating. She has an interest in relationships and family research, having participated in projects on childcare provision and early childhood educators’ wellbeing within the UQ School of Social Science and Institute for Social Science Research. She is especially interested in the role of emotions and tradition in online dating, and will be exploring these issues qualitatively as part of her PhD.
Conference Paper
Houen, S., Cooke, E., Kraemer, E., Oakes, C., Thorpe, K., & Staton, S. (2019). Stress and relaxation in early childhood education and care: Experiences of relaxation - The voices of early childhood education and care educators. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference Paper. Retrieved from https://www.aare.edu.au/publications/aare-conference-papers/show/13167/stress-and-relaxation-in-early-childhood-education-and-care-experiences-of-relaxation-the-voices-of-early-childhood-education-and-care-educators