Wilson, Lee (2015). Martial arts and the body politic in Indonesia. Leiden: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004289352
Book Chapters
Nugroho, Eryanto and Wilson, Lee (2014). Politik kelas dan politik massa. Menuju politik massa yang inklusif: ormas-ormas milisia dan demokratisasi di Indonesia. Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia Pasca Reformasi. (pp. 773-788) edited by A. E. Priyono and Usman Hamid. Jakarta, Indonesia: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia).
Leach, James and Wilson, Lee (2014). Anthropology, cross cultural encounter, and the politics of design. Subversion, conversion, development: cross-cultural knowledge exchange and the politics of design. (pp. 1-18) edited by James Leach and Lee Wilson. Cambridge, MA, United States: MIT Press.
Leach, James and Wilson, Lee (2014). Subversion, conversion, development: imaginaries, knowledge forms, and the uses of ICTs. Subversion, conversion, development: cross-cultural knowledge exchange and the politics of design. (pp. 231-244) edited by James Leach and Lee Wilson. Cambridge, MA, United States: MIT Press.
Wilson, Lee and Blackwell, Alan (2013). Interdisciplinarity and innovation. Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. (pp. 1097-1105) edited by Elias G. Carayannis. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3858-8_371
Gill, Peter and Wilson, Lee (2013). Intelligence and security-sector reform in Indonesia. Intelligence elsewhere: spies and espionage outside the Anglosphere. (pp. 157-179) edited by Phillip H. J. Davies and Kristian C. Gustafson. Washington, DC, United States: Georgetown University Press.
Chua, Liana, Cook, Joanna, Long, Nicholas and Wilson, Lee (2012). Introduction: Power and Orientation in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian Perspectives on Power. (pp. 1-16) London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Wilson, Lee (2011). From the mystical to the molecular: modernity, martial arts and agency in Java. Engaging the spirit world: popular beliefs and practices in modern Southeast Asia. (pp. 62-84) edited by Kirsten W. Endres and Andea Lauser. Oxford, United Kingdom: Berghahn.
Wilson, Lee, Facal, Gabriel, de Grave, Jean-Marc and Green, Thomas A. (2010). Political conflict and martial arts. Martial arts of the world: an encyclopedia of history and innovation. (pp. 619-625) edited by Thomas A. Green and Joseph R. Svinth. Santa Barbara, CA, United States: ABC Clio.
Wilson, Lee (2010). Belief systems in Sundanese martial arts. Martial arts of the world : an encyclopedia. (pp. 397-399) edited by Thomas A. Green and Joseph R. Svinth. Santa Barbara, CA, United States: ABC Clio.
Journal Articles
Wilson, Lee and Marasoiu, Mariana (2022). The development and use of chatbots in public health: scoping review. JMIR Human Factors, 9 (4) e35882, e35882. doi: 10.2196/35882
Mek, Agnes K., Kelly-Hanku, Angela, Bell, Stephen, Wilson, Lee and Vallely, Andrew J. (2018). "I was attracted to him because of his money': Changing forms of polygyny in contemporary Papua New Guinea. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 19 (2), 120-137. doi: 10.1080/14442213.2018.1440626
Wilson, Lee (2018). How critical can critical be? Contesting security in Indonesia. Critical Studies on Security, 5 (3), 302-316. doi: 10.1080/21624887.2018.1424985
McDonald, Matt and Wilson, Lee (2017). Trouble in paradise: contesting security in Bali. Security Dialogue, 48 (3), 241-258. doi: 10.1177/0967010617692925
Wilson, Lee (2016). Book review: Rifle reports: a story of Indonesian independence. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22 (4), 1004-1005. doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12520
Wilson, Lee and Bakker, Laurens (2016). Cutting off the kings's head: security and normative order beyond the state. Conflict, Security and Development, 16 (4), 289-300. doi: 10.1080/14678802.2016.1200311
Brigg, Morgan, Wilson, Lee, de Jalong, Frans and Sugiono, Muhadi (2016). Diversity, democratisation and Indonesian leadership. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70 (4), 407-421. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1153599
Kelly-Hanku, A., Aeno, H., Wilson, L., Eves, R., Mek, A., Nake Trumb, R., Whittaker, M., Fitzgerald, L., Kaldor, J. M. and Vallely, A. (2016). Transgressive women don’t deserve protection: young men’s narratives of sexual violence against women in rural Papua New Guinea. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 18 (11), 1207-1220. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2016.1182216
Gouda, H. N., Kelly-Hanku, A., Wilson, L., Maraga, S. and Riley, I. D. (2016). "Whenever they cry, I cry with them”: Reciprocal relationships and the role of ethics in a verbal autopsy study in Papua New Guinea. Social Science and Medicine, 163, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.06.041
Wilson, Lee (2012). A history of violence: anthropology and the study of states. Etnofoor, 24 (1), 123-128.
Wilson, Lee (2011). The anthropology of the possible: the ethnographer as sceptical enquirer. Paranthropology, 2 (4), 4-9.
Wilson, Lee (2011). Beyond the exemplary centre: knowledge, power, and sovereign bodies in Java. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17 (2), 301-317. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2011.01681.x
Wilson, Lee (2009). Jurus, jazz riffs and the constitution of a national martial art in Indonesia. Body and Society, 15 (3), 93-119. doi: 10.1177/1357034X09339103
Research Report
Hall, Nina L., Hussey, K., Lestari, E., Pudjiastuti , T. N. and Wilson, L. (2017). Enhancing food security in Indonesia through the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The University of Queensland’s Global Change Institute Discussion Paper Series St Lucia QLD Australia: Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
Newspaper Article
Wilson, Lee and Lubendik (2014, 12 05). The Challenges of Civil Militarism for Indonesian Pluralism Jakarta Post