The School of Social Science Postgraduate Conference is held annually, in November. 

Organised and run by Higher Degree Research (PhD and MPhil) students, the aim of the Conference is to showcase the work of our postgraduate students, provide a forum for the delivery of HDR milestone papers, and create opportunities for discussion, debate and exchange across the four cognate disciplines of our school: Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology and Criminology. 

The Conference is also an important forum for Honours students considering further higher degree research, to display their recent work in poster form, and hear what postgraduate students are currently researching within the School.

There are three main components for displaying student work:

  1. Papers – 20 minutes, with 10 minutes Q&A – this can be used for milestone presentations 
  2. “PechaKucha” slide presentations – 7 slides in 7 minutes – great for those who have just come back from the field, or who are just embarking on their studies
  3. Honours posters – displayed in the foyer of the PG Conference 

The Postgraduate Conference also displays entries to the School of Social Science Photography Competition with winners announced on the day, a keynote address by a person of note, and a workshop/panel discussion on issues of interest to HDR students.

Prizes are also awarded to the best paper presented in each room, the best PechaKucha presentation, and the best Honours poster.


Conference Theme - Is Social Science a Science?


Paper: Students are encouraged to use this conference for their candidature milestone presentation. Dual presentations are also welcome. You may address the conference theme, however this is not essential.


"Pecha Kucha" session: 7 slides in 7 minutes (great for pre-confirmation).


Poster: This option is usually reserved for Honours students. Students must be available during the lunch break to stand with, and discuss your poster.



Please submit your abstracts for papers, "Pecha Kucha", or poster presentation HERE by Friday, 01 September 2017

About Postgraduate Conference

The School of Social Science Postgraduate Conference is typically held annually.

Organised and run by Higher Degree by Research (PhD and MPhil) students, the aim of the Conference is to showcase the work of our postgraduate students and create opportunities for discussion, debate and exchange across the four cognate disciplines of our school. 

The Conference is also an important forum for Honours students considering further Higher Degree by Research studies to display their recent work in poster form and hear about what postgraduate students are currently researching within the School.


Level 3, Physiology Building #63, St Lucia campus, The University of Queensland
358 & 360