Book Chapters
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard N.S. and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2024). Seeking justice beyond the platform economy: migrant workers navigating precarious lives. Tourism, Global Crises and Justice. (pp. 128-145) London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003492610-10
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard N.S. and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2023). Seeking justice beyond the platform economy: migrant workers navigating precarious lives. A Sustainable Tourism Workforce. (pp. 92-109) London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003435457-6
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2023). Contactless delivery: migrant experiences in the platform economy. Platform labour and global logistics: a research companion. (pp. 245-262) edited by Immanuel Ness. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003351764-20
Journal Articles
Babidge, Sally, Dothling, Nathália, Thomson, Sarah, Riordan, Tyler, Wissing, Kirsty, Sant'Anna Fernandes, Ainá and Mejía Muñoz, Sara (2023). Affective propositions, the plant turn, and critiques of development. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 34 (1), 30-32. doi: 10.1111/taja.12464
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard N. S. and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2022). Seeking justice beyond the platform economy: migrant workers navigating precarious lives. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31 (12), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2022.2136189
Riordan, Tyler and Claudio, Fernanda (2021). Personal and community agency: factors associated with increased wellbeing amongst African refugee youth in Brisbane, Australia. Journal of Youth Studies, 25 (8), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1939282
Conference Papers
Riordan, Tyler (2021). Weapons of the weak: everyday resistance of migrant food delivery workers. Connectedness, activism and dignity at work in a precarious era: Work, Employment and Society Conference, Virtual Conference, Wales, 25 - 27 August 2021. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications.
Riordan, Tyler (2021). Essential but exploited: migrant food delivery workers. Global food supply chains in a world on the edge, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15 - 16 June 2021. Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation.
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2021). “I Don’t Have Money To Pay Rent” But “I Feel Free”: how migrant food delivery workers use agency to overcome precarity in the ‘Gig’ economy. CAUTHE (31st : 2021), Online, 8-11 February 2021.
Robinson, Richard and Riordan, Tyler (2020). Hospitality as therapy: evidence of training for homeless persons. CAUTHE 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020.
Riordan, Tyler, Hoffstaedter, Gerhard and Robinson, Richard (2020). Disrupting hospitality: migrant food delivery workers as mobile host-guests in the 'gig economy'. CAUTHE 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020.
Research Reports
Riordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard N.S. and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2024). Humanising food delivery work in Australia: a toolkit. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UQ Business School.
Robinson, R.N.S., Riordan, T., Yan, H. and Jiang, Y. (2023). Queensland tourism workforce crisis resilience & recovery project - final regional consultation workshops and national survey - report 6. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Tourism Industry Council.
Robinson, R.N.S., Riordan, T., Yan, H. and Jiang, Y. (2023). Queensland tourism workforce crisis resilience & recovery strategy. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Tourism Industry Council.
Robinson, Richard N.S., Oren, Olivier and Riordan, Tyler (2022). Serving up a Fair Go? Surfacing cultural issues in hospitality employment. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Riordan, Tyler, Hoffstaedter, Gerhard and Robinson, Richard (2022). Submission to Proposed Fair Conduct and Accountability Standards: inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Victorian Government.
Riordan, T., Robinson, R. N. S. and Parsell, C. (2021). The role of research in the society: evidence, advocacy and social justice: audit of St Vincent de Paul Society research and evaluation activities. n St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.
Robinson, R. N. S., Brown, P. C. and Riordan, T. (2019). Transitions to employment at Pindari: an evaluation of The Salvation Army’s Pindari homeless service, hospitality and asset management training initiatives. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The Salvation Army.
Riordan, Tyler and Robinson, Richard N.S. (2019). Evaluation of Art from the Margins Inspired AIR Program. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Art From The Margins, Wesley Mission Queensland.
Riordan, Tyler and Aldridge, Belinda (2018). Humanitarian Settlement Services - Humanitarian Settlement Program: Client Transitions. Brisbane, Australia: Multicultural Development Australia.
Riordan, Tyler (2023). Mediated hospitality: how migrant workers navigate interactions in and beyond the platform economy. PhD Thesis, School of Business, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/ccfb1bc
Riordan, Tyler (2013). Participation of young African refugees in community groups and activities in Brisbane: how young people maximise their wellbeing in the context of resettlement. Honours Thesis, School of Social Science, The University of Queensland.
Newspaper Articles
Riordan, Tyler (2020, 04 08). Tough ‘gig’ – delivery drivers are now essential but denied the rights of employees Momentum
Riordan, Tyler , Hoffstaedter, Gerhard and Robinson, Richard (2020, 03 30). Delivery workers are now essential. They deserve the rights of other employees The Conversation