Journal Articles
Dudley, Morgan, Olson, Rebecca E., Mescouto, Karime and Setchell, Jenny (2024). The good pain patient: a critical evaluation of patients' self-presentations in specialist pain clinics. Health Sociology Review, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/14461242.2024.2350501
Olson, Rebecca E., Smith, Alexandra, Good, Phillip, Dudley, Morgan, Gurgenci, Taylan and Hardy, Janet (2022). ‘What price do you put on your health?’: Medical cannabis, financial toxicity and patient perspectives on medication access in advanced cancer. Health Expectations, 26 (1), 160-171. doi: 10.1111/hex.13642
Olson, Rebecca E., Smith, Alexandra, Huggett, Georgie, Good, Phillip, Dudley, Morgan and Hardy, Janet (2022). Using a qualitative sub-study to inform the design and delivery of randomised controlled trials on medicinal cannabis for symptom relief in patients with advanced cancer. Trials, 23 (1) 752, 1-16. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06691-1
Conference Papers
Smith, Alexandra , Olson, Rebecca E. , Cuerton, Maddison , Dudley, Morgan , Good, Phillip and Hardy, Janet (2022). “I felt more like myself”: Wellness, wellbeing, and the use of medicinal cannabis in the advanced cancer context. . A Better Body: Towards a Sociology of Wellness Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 17 February 2022.
Olson, Rebecca, Smith, Alexandra, Good, Phillip, Dudley, Morgan and Hardy, Janet (2022). "What price do you put on your health?": Medical cannabis, financial toxicity, and patient perspectives on medication access in advanced cancer. The Australian Sociological Association Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 28 November - 2 December 2022.